Our Team: 2022-23


Maressa Ranalletti headshot

Maressa Ranalletti

Head Coach | 2018-Present 

Assistant Coach

Lori Mannhardt headshot

Lori Mannhardt

Assistant Coach | 2023-Present

Fundraising | 2021-Present


Darren Blum headshot

Darren Blum

Mechanical/Electrical/CAD | 2018-Present

Jeff Tuttle headshot

Jeff Tuttle

Programming | 2016-Present

Ted (Grandpa) Phillips

Ted (Grandpa) Phillips

Mechanical | 2022-Present

Emile Hamway headshot

Emile Hamwey

Mechanical/Programming/CAD | 2023-Present

Greg MendelSohn headshot

Greg Mendelsohn

Marketing | 2023-Present

Ryder Streeter headshot

Ryder Streeter

Mechanical | 2022-Present

Scott Phillips

Scott Phillips

Electrical/Mechanical | 2022-Present


Leora Blum headshot

Leora Blum

Electrical 2024 | AthenaTeam PresidentElectrical LeadQuestion PersonT-Shirt Co-Designer2022-Present
Kiley Broyld headshot

Kiley Broyld

Programming2026 | OdysseyLead of Engineer Notebook2023-Present
Duy Bui headshot

Duy Bui

Marketing2023 | Arcadia Head of MarketingWebsite ManagerEmail Coordinator2022-Present
Grace Campbell headshot

Grace Campbell

Marketing/Programming2024 | AthenaBackup Marketing LeadT-Shirt Co-DesignerSponsor Update Letter2022-Present
Sudhan Chhetri

Sudhan Chhetri 

Mechanical 2024 | Athena2022-Present
Kamaron Cooper

Kameron Cooper 

Programming2025 | Odyssey 2023-Present
Danielle Donahue

Danielle Donahue 

Mechanical2025 | Odyssey2023-Present
Dylan Dunaway

Dylan Dunaway 

CAD/Mechanical2025 | Odyssey 2023-Present
Natalie Ford

Natalie Ford 

Programming 2025 | OdysseyClockify Tracker2022-Present
Eddie Frank

Eddie Frank 

Programming2025 | OlympiaTime ManagerSecretary of StateBackup Programming Lead2022-Present

Jonathan Gagner 

Mechanical/Programming2025 | Odyssey 2023-Present
Giomar Garcia-Maldonado

Giomar Garcia-Maldonado 

Programming2023 | ArcadiaHead of Programming2022-Present
Vinny Giordano

Vinny Giordano 

Mechanical/CAD2025 | AthenaBackup CAD Lead2022-Present
Jiana'Li Gonzalez

Jiana'Li Gonzalez 

Mechanical2025 | OdysseyPhotographer2022-Present
Montana Harris headshot

Montana Harris 

Electrical2025 | AthenaBackup of Set Up and Clean UpBack up Pit Boss2022-Present

David Hetzel 

CAD2025 | Odyssey2022-Present

Evan Keenan 

 ProgrammingBackup Programming Lead2023-Present
Willa Kelly headshot

Willa Kelly  

Mechanical2023 | Odyssey2020-Present
Izzie Lioi headshot

Izzie Lioi  

Mechanical2025 | OdysseyPit Boss2022-Present
Cari Lochner headshot

Cari Lochner 

Electrical2024 | AthenaBackup Electrical Lead2023-Present
Justin Mannhardt headshot

Justin Mannhardt 

 Mechanical2024 | AthenaDrive Train LeadMechanical Lead2021-Present
Izaak Mendelsohn headshot

 Izaak Mendelsohn 

Mechanical2023 | Arcadia2022-Present
Nicholas Morales headshot

Nicolas Morales 

Mechanical2025 | OdysseyLead of Set Up and Clean upDiscord Manager2022-Present
Sophia Vacek headshot

Sophia Vacek 

Mechanical2023 | AthenaMechanism Lead2022-Present
Nicholas Viola headshot

Nicholas Viola  

 CAD2025 | OdysseyHead of CAD2022-Present
Ryan Wolicki headshot

 Ryan Wolicki  

Mechanical2024 | AthenaTeam Vice President2022-Present
Subteam data chart

Team Captains

Leora Blum headshot

Leora Blum

Team President
Ryan Wolicki headshot

 Ryan Wolicki  

Team Vice President

Team Leads

Leora Blum headshot

Leora Blum

Electrical Lead
Giomar Garcia-Maldonado headshot

Giomar Garcia-Maldonado 

Programming Lead
Justin Mannhardt headshot

Justin Mannhardt 

Mechanical Lead
Duy Bui headshot

Duy Bui

Marketing Lead
Nicholas Viola headshot

Nicholas Viola  

 CAD Lead

Drive Team

Justin Mannhardt headshot

Justin Mannhardt 

Driver 1
Giomar Garcia-Maldonado headshot

Giomar Garcia-Maldonado 

Driver 2
Emile Hamway headshot

Emile Hamway

Drive Coach

Ryan Wolicki headshot

 Ryan Wolicki  

Technician (Greater Pittsburgh Regional)
Izaak Mendelsohn headshot

 Izaak Mendelsohn 

Technician (Finger Lake Regional)
Human Player
*Rotating position*

Team Mascot

Team Mascot
